The Healing Journey … How do we heal? Why do we want to heal?


Is Ignorance not bliss? 

I have asked myself the latter many times.

Do we choose healing in our lives, or does it choose us? Most of us are catapulted through a life event that changes us forever. Others “awaken” and evolve in a slower, more methodical approach. Overall, I think our soul, or higher-self at some point presses the override button and we are no longer at will to choose what happens next. I don’t believe we’re out driving around thinking, “Hmmm, should I delve into a journey of deep self-discovery, uncovering all of my deepest, darkest wounds?”  “Wait, or should I go shopping?” This is just not how it works! But when it does inevitably present itself, why would anyone want to venture down that path of self-discovery and healing? 

Firstly, who wants to live a life that isn’t theirs? One of the first things that always unveils in a client session is the vast number of programs running that aren’t even their own. Imprints and programming that involve family, ancestral and lineage (both on and off the planet), and embedded societal and cultural norms can arise from experiences as simple as an interaction that happened in 5th grade, which subsequently becomes part of the lens you look through onto your own story. The many layers of past lives immerse and intertwine into our current traumas and programming, creating more complexities in the discernment of our truth.  

A fluid and consistent flow of energy is a key element in the body’s overall ability to heal emotionally and, in turn, physically. Chakras and the body’s energy system become muddled and back-logged with density and memories that we haven’t been fully able to process. We leave pieces behind, as the trauma or incident was much too painful or literally not possible to process at that time. Any experience that is associated with some sort of negativity, no matter how big or small, can be held as an unprocessed and incomplete imprint. These take up space, and each contains a frequency around the experience. We hold this energy in our bodies—it screams out to find the match or experience to liberate and release this frequency. The lower vibrational frequency of this energy diverts our body’s natural, healing energy flow in order to bypass this particular area as it’s “occupied”.  This all contributes to aches, pains, injury, pent-up and stored emotions, and disease processes.

The nervous system holds imprints that echo throughout our body each and every time we think of or are exposed to a similar experience. It creates an intensity that will accumulate and back-log in the body’s attempt to process the experience. This is where we get into anxiety and depression; the imprint affects the body’s overall nervous system output.   

But let’s not forget the psyche and how it plays a huge role in all of this. We are now talking consciousness— my fav!  You know, that story you play over and over in your mind about not being good enough? The one about never getting what you want? All of the previously mentioned factors tie into our experiences, or “our story,” which is how we end up viewing life through our very own lens of perspective, accurate or not. The more we incur around these traumas and imbalances, the more we step away from who we really are…our truth and true soul essence.

Once you take even the slightest glance in the direction of being “woke,” there is no going back. You don’t know what you don’t know, until you do! This part of the process can present some of the most difficult and lonely experiences. Realizing that all you have known, or even that your bare existence has been a lie can feel pretty earth-shattering. This is where you need to begin the unraveling of what’s not yours, so you can learn the true core essence of YOUR truth. People and things fall away when you realize what no longer serves. You begin to know what you don’t like, but finding what you do, or what brings joy can be extremely difficult. 

It’s a domino effect; the more we peel back those layers to process and integrate, the more we’re able to connect back to our truth, to alignment, and to the harmonic frequency of soul.  

What does this mean? Less density, programming, disease processes, misalignments and imbalances, pain, emotional disconnect = more consciousness and awareness, truth, alignment, compassion, connection, joy, happiness, overall fulfillment and unconditional love for ourselves and others.

This is where we realize we are not alone and there is MORE!!! The more we connect into our “knowing,” the more able we are to stand autonomously in our truth. We are meant to live a life of sovereignty, freedom, joy, and fulfillment—it’s our birthright. You deserve to live your best life, so when a journey into healing presents itself, grab the reigns and take that initial step towards freedom. You won’t regret it!!!